An educational unit on the great feast of the Elevation (Exaltation) of the Holy Cross, celebrated annually on September 27, for Byzantine Catholic parishes on the Julian (Old) calendar.
The unit includes:
- "Read Me First" instructions for teachers, faculty, and clergy
- 6-page Handout exploring the feast of the Cross with scriptural readings, festal hymns, and educational activities
- Study Guides (4 grade levels: K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12) with discussion topics, Q&A, and additional resources
- Parents/Family Overview: a summary of the feast for parents and families to explore the feast together
An excellent resource for church school teachers and parents alike. 23 pages of original content ideal for use in classroom, on-line, or at home with children of all ages.
Licensed for use in parish communities regardless of the number of students or families.
Available for Orthodox (OCA, GOA, AOANA, ROCOR, SOC, ROC on the new and old calendar) and Byzantine Catholic parishes.
Elevation of the Cross (September 27, BCC-OC)
SKU: 059-012-012-003b
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